
Syrian Refugees A New Situation in Louisiana Governor’s Race

However, the debate format quickly derailed as the candidates attacked each other as the audience cheered.


Vitter, who has lagged in recent polls, last week called for more debates, but Edwards has declined citing scheduling conflicts.

Vitter also launched a Facebook petition on the issue, while Edwards also took to Facebook Sunday, telling voters, “As governor, I will continue to be an active participant in the ongoing conversation with federal authorities so that we can be partners in the effort to both assist refugees who are fleeing from religious persecution and ensure that all our people are safe”.

Edwards, a state representative for the past eight years, was once considered a long-shot in ruby-red Louisiana, but after a bitter primary battle with Republicans Lt. Gov. Jay Dardenne and Public Service Commissioner Scott Angelle, U.S. Sen. Vitter has struggled to reunite the state’s GOP base.

“David Vitter is desperate. You’re a hypocrite”, said Edwards to Vitter. It’s a classic political clash pitting big business, supporting Vitter, against the unions and trial lawyers supporting Edwards.

Click on the video above to see a post-debate one-on-one with State Rep. Edwards.

Very few times were the candidates able to agree on something, except for one thing: they think they’re the right fit for the next governor. He says he supports charter schools but wants local school boards to have more control over where they open.

Edwards said, “There won’t be double digit tuition increases while I’m governor”. “That’s why we have to elect a governor who has a proven record of dealing with both parties”. He talks broadly of Vitter’s character and approach to governing, suggesting Vitter is divisive and would undermine the bipartisanship needed to tackle the state budget mess.

Vitter said, “I’m going to start with real budget reform on the spending side, and this is a fundamental difference between us”.


This might sound improbable coming from a man who was caught up in the 2007 “D.C. Madam” prostitution scandal, in which he admitted to a “very serious sin” for which he had been forgiven by his wife – and, he said, forgiven by God.

Endorse This: David Vitter Is Really Going There?