
G20 Summit: Modi holds bilaterals with Australia, Turkey and Spain

European allies expressed full support, in a meeting with Obama, for a nationwide ceasefire in Syria in parallel with a planned political transition drawn up by foreign ministers in Vienna on Saturday and meant to lead to elections in Syria within two years, a White House official said.


Obama met Russian President Vladimir Putin in an informal meeting lasting around 30 minutes at the summit on Sunday, a discussion which Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said had been constructive but not groundbreaking.

“We are now at a point where words end in the fight against terrorism”.

The two-day meeting in the Mediterranean resort of Belek comes after 129 people were killed and more than 350 were wounded in coordinated Paris attacks claimed by Islamic State militants.

Although the G20 usually focuses on economic issues, the fight against terrorism was already expected to be on the agenda.

“The killing of innocent people based on a twisted ideology is an attack not just on France not just on Turkey but on the the entire civilized world” he said.

U.S. President Barack Obama said ISIS is “the face of evil” and called on nations to do more to combat the threat it poses.

Almost five years of clashes between Assad’s forces and opposition groups have left more than 250,000 people dead, created a vacuum for the Islamic State and other extremists groups to thrive, and spurred a massive refugee crisis in Europe.

Members of the Group of 20 leading economies agreed at a summit in Turkey that terrorism must be tackled with a combination of measures, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday. One official said the frequency of such attacks was on the rise. Turkey says these rebels have close ties to the PKK, considered a terrorist group by the United States and the European Union as well as by Ankara.

“Terrorism has no nationality or religion”.

This involved intelligence service cooperation and surveillance of online communications, she said, adding that many of those at the meeting “stressed, and this has ties to financial markets, that the terrorists’ cash flow must be stopped”. The USA will instead intensify its campaign of air strikes and arming and training moderate forces rather than leading any global coalition. “Military could march into Mosul, Raqqa or Ramadi and temporarily clear out the Islamic State, but would see a repetition of what has been seen before”, he said, hinting at military quagmires in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Although cats have taken over the Internet, they have not ceased efforts in their bid for world domination. “Just the opposite, everyone used ISIL, or elements within it, for their own interests”, he said at an event in Istanbul.

Turkey's Erdogan Terrorism requires global response