
EA Ready To Make An Assassin’s Creed-Style Open-World Game

EA is targeting the action genre in a big way.


“We’ve never really operated in the largest genre of gaming, and that’s the action genre”, said Jorgensen.

Upon her arrival at EA, Raymond helped found Motive Studios, a new development division within the publisher that appears to have been created in order to fulfil a longstanding vision. He also pointed out that EA’s latest hire, Jade Raymond who used to head the Assassin’s Creed franchise back when she used to work at Ubisoft.

So let’s hear it: what kind of action game would you like to see develop under EA’s supervision?

Open-world games are all the rage these days, and it looks like EA is finally throwing its hat into the race: the publisher announced that it’d be developing its own take on open-world gaming in the near future.

Then, last month, EA exec Patrick Soderlund noted that his company had plans to invest in the “gigantic action” genre. The hot vet has been at the helm of Assassin’s Creed titles at Ubisoft too. Aside from working at Motive Studios, it’s understood that Raymond will also be involved in Visceral Games’ Star Wars game, which will surely begin to unveil itself once DICE gets the soon-to-be-released Battlefront up and running.

During that interview, Raymond didn’t reveal anything interesting regarding the new IP that she will be working on, but she did state that she was getting the right people in place.

Could, therefore, the new game from Jade Raymond be another historical adventure?


Motive seems to still be in the early stages of genesis, so we could be in for quite a wait for EA’s answer to Assassin’s Creed.

Jade sandman