
Controversial Text of Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Released

“We will be working with our representatives in Congress to describe the benefits of the agreement to their constituents, no matter what part of the state they represent”, Wenger said.


The message kicks of at least a 90-day period before Obama can sign the agreement, a rule in the trade promotion authority (TPA), or “fast-track”, legislation signed into law this summer.

New Zealand on November 5, 2015, released the text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) in its capacity as Depositary of the Agreement.

It includes participation from the US, along with Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore and Vietnam.

It is clear to me that the proposed agreement is not, nor has it ever been, the gold standard of trade agreements.

“The federal government must keep its word and defend Canadian interests during the TPP’s ratification process – which includes defending supply management, our auto sector, and Canadian manufacturers across the country”, he added.

“This is not a climate change policy, it’s not an agreement to do with climate change…it’s a trade agreement that looks at trade issues”, Robb told the ABC.

Congress likely will consider TPP next year.

Earlier this week, Hatch outlined expectations the administration must meet as Congress considers TPP in an OpEd for The Hill.

The TPP is opposed by labor unions and many of Obama’s fellow Democrats who are anxious about the impact on jobs, including presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, who backed the developing trade pact when she was secretary of state during Obama’s first term.

It is expected the agreement will be approved by all participant nations by the middle of 2016.

The deal will take effect within 60 days of all countries finishing necessary implementation work, or once six countries accounting for 85 percent of the bloc’s economic output have ratified the agreement, if not all are ready after two years. “If we don’t pass this agreement – if America doesn’t write those rules – then countries like China will”.


On Thursday morning, Obama praised the impending deal on the online publishing platform Medium, saying it will specifically help Detroit’s automakers and their employees, potentially opening Japan’s auto market to more USA competition and reducing global tariffs.

FILE- Rep. Rosa DeLauro center joined at left by Rep. Lloyd Doggett a bloodhound named Roxy Rep. David Cicilline and other members of Congress speaks at a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington Oct. 29 2015 about the details of the TPP