
Muslims speak out against Paris terrorist attacks

Even though Islam teaches that terrorism has no religion, people all over the world have been infected with Islamophobia following the recent #ParisAttacks. South Brunswick Police Chief Raymond Haydu in an alert said, “We are increasing patrols in different areas out of an abundance of caution and ask the public to be vigilant. You an say they’re the lowest of the low, but they’re not Muslim”. “The people who perpetrated this act still call themselves Muslim”.


An outburst at Lambeau Filed during Sunday’s moment of silence for the victims of the Paris terrorist attacks illustrates how once again Muslims are cast in a negative light.

“We must show the world that Islam is a religion which promotes and loves peace”.

From his side, Secretary General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) Iyad Ameen Madani condemned in the strictest terms the terrorist attacks perpetrated in the French capital Paris on Friday, which claimed lives of almost 130 and caused injuries to many innocent people, OIC reported. If we denounce the ideology itself, we educate others about the dangers of hateful ideas while not discriminating against people who were only born into the faith and don’t know better.

“There are two broad choices”.

The Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is a dynamic, fast-growing worldwide revival movement within Islam.

Tarek Zidi, 32, from Glasgow, added: “I was completely shocked by what happened in Paris just as everyone was”.

Pyne agreed that Isis must not succeed in “turning Australian against Australian or European against European”.

“It is a bad thing to see and it does nothing for other Muslims around the world who want to live happy peaceful lives”.

During the weekend, young people from the Ahmadiyya Muslim youth presented flowers to Catherine Gagneux, the French Honorary Consul for Galway, to express their “outrage over the brutal killings of innocent people”.

The Labor frontbencher Kate Ellis said moderate Muslims were “our closest ally in this fight” and it was a time for cool and calm heads. “I don’t just talk about political leaders”.


“And I think there have been times where there has not been enough pushback against extremism”. Founded in 1889 by Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) in Punjab, India, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community spans over 204 countries with membership exceeding tens of millions.

Life in multicultural western nations most of which have large Muslim minorities offers a daily refutation of the idea that different faiths and cultures cannot live and work together