
Starbucks under fire for dropping ‘Merry Christmas’ from coffee cups

In the years prior, the holiday cups from Starbucks displayed images of snowflakes, trees, red present bows, and more. People including Donald Trump and actor Rom Lowe criticized Starbucks for the cup, seeing the plain design as a form of political correctness that plays down the religious nature of Christmas. The man, Josh Feuerstein, who pointed out that Starbucks hates Jesus because it removed the Christmas pattern, appeared on TV. But they don’t have “Merry Christmas, ‘ they have ‘Joy.’ But I think they should put ‘Merry Christmas” on.


Trump then hit the crowd with this promise: “If I become president, we’re all going to be saying “Merry Christmas” again”.

Dunkin’ Donuts entered the seasonal cup design “war” with Starbucks, posting its own design on November 11.

Trump said of a Starbucks outpost in one of his buildings.

Vice president of design and content Jeffrey Fields said in a statement that the streamlined, basic red design reflects how the company was “embracing the simplicity and the quietness” of the season.

The Dunkin’ Donuts cup has a green and red holiday design and says “Joy” in red letters.

Trump, the Republican presidential candidate, at an IL rally on Tuesday called for a boycott of the corporation. “That I can tell you”, he added. By making the decision to be holiday-neutral, Starbucks has actually made a strategic business decision to appeal to their diverse clientele.

“We’re about to enter the magical season of getting angry that there’s not enough talk about Christmas”, Stephen Colbert said on Wednesday’s “Late Show”.


According to The State Press, Red Cups of the previous years all share the Christmas time vibes, containing the winter-themed doodles of flickering lights, reindeers and everything commemorative of Christ’s birth. When I choose Starbucks, I know I’ll pay more and I know I’m paying for the freshness and taste.

Starbucks Red Cups 2015