
Trump Endlessly Breaks Reagan Rule Not To Insult Republicans

Mr Donald Trump has dramatically escalated his attacks on his nearest rival for the Republican presidential nomination, Dr Ben Carson.


November 12, 2015: Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump speaks during a rally at Iowa Central Community College in Fort Dodge, Iowa. “Okay? There’s no cure for that”, Trump said at the rally in Fort Dodge, Iowa.

Next, Trump discussed Carson’s story regarding him reportedly attempting to stab a friend.

Carson, in Trump’s telling, “has a pathological disease”, like a child molester. “It’s also about choosing our next commander-in-chief, and I will be laying out, in detail, what I think we need to do with our friends and allies in Europe and elsewhere to do a better job of coordinating efforts against the scourge of terrorism”. That geographical divide is significant, analysts said, because Dr Carson’s dominance in more socially conservative states, such as Kansas, Iowa and Nebraska, reflects how his story of personal redemption is resonating strongly with evangelical voters.

“Trump called Republican rival Carly Fiorina “Carly whatever-the-hell-her-name-is, ‘ accused Democratic front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton of playing the “woman’s card” and said Sen”.

Most likely GOP primary voters say Trump is the Republican most capable of winning the White House in 2016. He said the US should be going more aggressively after the group’s oil and financing and pressing other countries to intensify their fighting against the radicals.

Trump’s appearance on NBC’s Saturday Night Live earned the program its highest ratings in two years, with 9.3 million viewers tuning in.

The soft-spoken retired neurosurgeon has closed in on Trump’s early lead in many polls.

The said guesting of Trump on the long-running NBC show was hosted by Elizabeth Banks and musical guest Disclosure.

The criticism was a world apart from Trump’s restrained demeanor during Tuesday’s Republican primary debate, where he issued no attacks on Carson.

“Folks, there is a line we should not cross”, he said.

Donald Trump (left) and Ben Carson articulating their views on the campaign trail.

A spokesman for Carson declined to comment on Trump’s remarks.

When you label as stupid the voters whose support you are seeking, you may have crossed it. Yet it’s an insult that is in line with the entire tenor of Trump’s candidacy.

“You can say what you want, but if they had guns, if our people had guns, if they were allowed to carry…” He also asked “How stupid are the people from Iowa?”

Pointing back to Rubio’s work on the Senate’s bipartisan immigration reform bill, Trump said the senator was in favor of “amnesty” for undocumented immigrants because he is of Hispanic heritage. “I’m hopeful maybe his advisers will help him to understand the word pathological and recognize that that does not denote incurable”. He hit the belt buckle. At one point, Trump acted out the scene of Carson trying to stab his friend.


Footnote: Carson’s reported response about Trump was “Pray for him”. “It doesn’t happen that way”, Trump said.

Trump Endlessly Breaks Reagan Rule Not To Insult Republicans