
Beset by violence and hunger, South Sudan marks 4th birthday since

After a decades-long fight for independence, South Sudan peacefully broke away from Sudan in 2011.


The violent war between the government and the rebels has weakened the new-born state, exhausting its resources. “Yet, President Kiir and Riek Machar would rather haggle over personal power and wealth than agree on solutions”.

He accused Kiir of trying to amend the constitution to extend his rule by three years.

South Sudan’s economy is dependent on oil exports.

However, South Sudan’s rebels seem to be eschewing Kiir’s call for dialogue.

South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir, center, accompanied by army…

May God Bless your young country and the people of South Sudan.

Hope, joy and a sense of freedom. Four years later, those happy memories are a horrifying reminder of all that has been lost.

Ban says that’s because the world’s newest nation has become engulfed in conflict with “unconscionable levels of violence and unspeakable sexual abuse”. And, the United States along with the global community, will punish those determined to drive South Sudan into the abyss.

Riek Machar, South Sudan’s ex- vice-president, now rebel leader. Its authority over them is shaky, and it requires military action.

South Sudan will mark four years of independence from Sudan on Thursday.

The nation plunged into civil war in December 2013.

“It is important that we show the parties a single way forward, with the full support of the region and the global community”, he continued. Political efforts so far have failed to bring an end to the conflict, and the outlook for the affected populations remains grim.

Susan Rice once served as the United States ambassador to the United Nations. At the same time, the South Sudanese must be responsible for the carnage of their civil war and the resulting humanitarian crisis, including starvation and many refugees.

“To date, just 9 percent of the 99 million dollars needed has been met”, said the statement. Health services that were basic before the war are in disrepair now. Meanwhile, among the millions that remain internally displaced, more than 100,000 have sought safety at increasingly crowded civilian protection sites run by UNMISS.

Thousands of Ugandan troops backed by helicopter gunships are fighting for Kiir while Sudan is accused of supplying Machar’s rebels with weapons.

The conflict it is said began as a petty squabble which bystanders thought could be solved in a day or two given the willingness of give and take, but it exploded unchecked, fanned by those who see it as a gift to make their fortune.


“Both sides of the conflict are still fighting each other and this is why it has been marked with so much mixed feelings on both sides, with nothing to celebrate and others they think we have a country, although there is instability, we can still celebrate it”.

FILE- National Security Adviser Susan Rice