
Game of Thrones Season 6 Spoiler Details From Winterfell Leaked

This development comes a couple of weeks after on-set reports of an additional epic battle scene at Saintfield involving Sansa, Jon, Ramsay, and a giant.


Jon Snow and Sansa Stark have reunited and are set to return to Winterfell.

Furthermore, while the four characters are relating, a giant, possibly Wun Wun suddenly arrives at the gates of the castle and barges its way in, rooting the Bolton’s army to fight with it in retaliation, writes Design and Trends.

Jon Snow is also in the scene, according to the fansite, despite apparently dying from multiple stab wounds at the end of season five, adding further fuel to the rumour that he didn’t die or will be resurrected.

Previously, Kit Harington was snapped filming in northern Ireland while wearing the Stark costume, which means that he already left the brotherhood and buttressed in a few fans’ minds the theory of R+L=J and reclaim his rightful place in the Iron Throne.

Since the Game of Thrones Season 6 spoiler source claims that the people inside have to team up to drive away the giant, it would seem this is not Jon Snow ally Wun Wun.

“I’ll give you a hint”, the 73-year-old actor told the website.

“I am responsible for bringing somebody back that you think you’re never going to see again”.

Meanwhile, Vanity Fair reports that there has been speculation that McShane will play a man in his 40s or 50s described as a gruff ex-soldier who has found religion.

After all, everyone knows Jon Snow’s not actually dead, but this is one of our first indications of what he gets up to in Game of Thrones Season 6 once free of the Night’s Watch oath (which only pledges service “until my death”).


This article contains possible spoilers from the upcoming season 6 of “Game of Thrones”.

Sansa Stark in a scene from season five of Game of Thrones