
No ‘Specific’ Threat To NYC After Times Square Appears In Islamic State

We hope everyone in NY and around the world stays safe.


The propaganda video, which has not yet been authenticated, threatens two locations in NY City – Times Square and Herald Square.

The video also shows a man zipping up his jacket with a bomb strapped to his body underneath.

Pictures of Manhattan are included among clips of suicide bombers preparing for attacks and a fighter holding a grenade.

The NYPD released a statement saying that the department was aware of the video, and that they are continuing to deploy additional Critical Response Command teams to parts of the city.

The video also includes statements from several jihadis, praising “soldiers of the caliphate in France” for their “blessed operation”.

A new video purported to be the work of ISIS and showing Times Square alongside images of a suicide bomber contains old footage but “reaffirms the message that NY City remains a top terrorist target”, NYPD officials said Wednesday night.

The group has expressed its hatred for the numerous venues, but the videos that followed deadly attacks in Paris raise a few alarms, as the group was successful in attacking a western nation once.


The video, which the NY Post posted to its website Wednesday afternoon, began with remarks by French President François Hollande following the terror attacks in Paris this past Friday, as well as remarks from militants. It then cuts to a man in a turban, identified as Al Ghareeb the Algerian, warning countries that band together against Syria after the France massacre. The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the attacks.

NYPD Aware Of ISIS Video Referencing NYC, Says There Is No Specific Threat