
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal Ends Presidential Campaign

Republican presidential candidate and Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal suspended his campaign for president on Tuesday. But Jindal’s presidential campaign never gained traction and was overshadowed by outsider candidates like Donald Trump and Ben Carson.


I believed them then, I believe them now.

“We spent a lot of time developing detailed policy papers, but given this insane unpredictable election season, clearly there wasn’t an interest in those policy papers”, Bobby Jindal told Fox News.

Asked if Jindal would be interested in working for a potential Republican president in 2017, Anderson said: “I’m skeptical of his interest in being in an administration, but that’s just me”.

His high profile within the national Republican Party also means that he might be considered for a Cabinet slot by a few future GOP president or even as the No. 2 person on a presidential ticket. “We can not settle for the left’s view of envy and division”, Jindal added in a statement.

Tributes poured in from rivals in the race, including Senator Ted Cruz, who said Jindal’s “focus on substantive policy matters advanced the debate that our party must have on the issues most important to American voters”. Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin ended his campaign in September, the same month as former Texas Gov. Rick Perry.

The state he was twice elected to lead has suffered greatly from Jindal’s national ambitions, and history will show that his neglect of Louisiana figured into his poor showing in the presidential sweepstakes, too.

Jindal reached his decision, two aides said, because he didn’t want to go into debt and realised there was no credible path to the nomination.

Jindal has served as Louisiana’s governor since 2008, and is popular amongst the local community for overseeing the mass evacuation of his state’s coastal areas during Hurricane Gustav in his first year in office.

A debate about the post-Obamacare reality of health care reform would have put Jindal in his strongest position-but that has not happened, and maybe never will.


“It’s not going to be Trump”, said Jindal. “This is not the last the country has heard from Bobby Jindal and I wish him and his family the best in their next pursuits”.

Where Bobby Jindal Went Wrong               The Louisiana governor failed to make a compelling case for his candidacy