
Edwin Moses: Russian track team should be banned from Rio

The decision to suspend the Russian Anti-Doping Agency for non-compliance had the full support of WADA’s foundation board and follows the worldwide anti-doping commission’s report that detailed a widespread doping scandal in the country.


“What a mess”, Moses said Wednesday, shortly after the World Anti-Doping Agency declared Russia’s anti-doping agency to be out of compliance. Andersen is in charge of the IAAF’s probe into Russia’s track team in the wake of the report about corruption in the country’s track and anti-doping programs.

U.S. Olympic champion Edwin Moses, a member of WADA, addressed the board and said “the only sanction that can send the message that enough is enough is to state loudly and clearly that the Russian athletics team cannot go to Rio”.

“Anti-doping in sport is under the spotlight today like never before, and WADA, along with our partners, have begun the work needed on the road to recovery for Russian Federation”.

“We’re anxious the Russians will scapegoat the athletes, and that the coach who told them to dope and the person who helped them dope will not be punished”, Konrad told AP.

The leader of the World Anti-Doping Agency’s athlete committee is asking the agency to expand the investigation into Russian doping beyond track and field.

“The main task is not just to fight back against the criticism that’s being directed at us, but to really clean up our sport and get rid of doping”, Russian Olympic Committee head Alexander Zhukov said on Wednesday.

Russian Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko has said the worldwide Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) decision to suspend the membership of Russian Athletics Federation (RAF) was made under pressure.

It said the WADA-accredited laboratory destroyed 1,417 samples shortly before an inspection.

“Speaking as an athlete that’s going to be competing in Rio I want to know that I’m competing against clean athletes and not be suspicious”. He said WADA had to figure out how to pay for expanding its scope.

David Howman, WADA’s director general, said the agency’s president would consider expanding its investigation if it has concrete evidence of wrongdoing.

“WADA confirms that with immediate effect the following countries are declared non-compliant: Andorra, Israel, Argentina, Bolivia & Ukraine”, read a further tweet.


The All-Russia Athletic Federation (ARAF) was provisionally suspended by the IAAF last week following recommendations from an independent commission established by WADA.

WADA athlete chair calls for all sports to be investigated