
Donald Trump pulls punches at GOP’s Sunshine Summit

Rand Paul of Kentucky, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Ohio Gov. John Kasich and California businesswoman Carly Fiorina.


Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said Friday that in the wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, the United States should block refugees from the Middle East from coming to the United States.

“Jeb is going to have to move forward in a way that makes him feel comfortable and he’s going to be at home this weekend”, said Michelle Ertel, News 13’s Republican political analyst. “This is going to be a real wall, it’s going to be a Trump wall”. “They told me that he’s already a governor, he’s paid his dues”, Rubio said to the gathering. Cruz outlined a hard-line immigration policy and sought to draw a contrast with Rubio, who helped author the Senate’s 2013 comprehensive bill but has reversed course and advocates a piecemeal approach that plays down his support for a path to citizenship. Lindsey Graham of SC and former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

Two days earlier numerous same people in the audience attended a state GOP dinner featuring former Vice President Dick Cheney, who said the party needs to improve its standing with Hispanic voters. “And even though there are more Democrats in this state than Republicans, we win, and I’m proud of that”. And we have them … they don’t do as well because they use foul language.

Speaking to a group of Republican Party activists at an event Friday evening, Carson said, “If we’re going to be bringing 200,000 people over here from that region – if I were one of the leaders of the global jihadist movement and I didn’t infiltrate that group of people with my people, that would be nearly malpractice”.

The party is hoping to capitalize on the fact that the victor of the state’s March 15 vote will get a healthy boost toward the 1,236 delegates needed to clinch the GOP presidential nomination. Ted Cruz’ attacks on him about immigration because the Texas senator’s position “is not much different from mine”.

“As we get closer to the date, people are going to start paying more attention, (a), and then, (b), they’re going to start solidifying their decisions”, he said.

He said the world again has seen evil visited upon innocent people and that the outrage must be turned into action and resolve.


If president, he vowed, people in the country illegally “are out of here”.

Carly Fiorina speaks at Orlando summit