
New footage of AK47 attack in Paris

One woman, Lucille, can be seen running into the building holding her wrist.


The terrifying footage also shows a man diving through the open door behind her onto the ground with his hands protecting his head.

Staff who had fled into a downstairs area later emerge and herd customers to safety in the basement.

Another woman, who appears to be injured, runs into the restaurant as the attack begins and hides behind the counter where a young female staff member comforts her.

The Fridays incident in Paris had brought the life to a stand still in the French capital. Photo credit should read: Steve Parsons/PA Wire Floral tributes continue to be left at the Casa Nostra restaurant in Paris following the terrorist attacks on Friday evening.

The coordinated bombings and shootings across the city killed 129 people and wounded more than 350 others.

In the incident, two diners suffered minor bullet injuries but five people present nearby the spot were shot dead including a guy who came to collect pizza.

Anyone who escaped from the Paris terror attacks with their lives intact will count themselves very fortunate.. The cops found the victim among the luckiest woman to survive the attack.

The Daily Mail has chosen not to name the restaurant citing security reasons but report no one at the scene was killed.

One of the most chilling parts of the video shows the gunman walking outside the restaurant calmly shooting victims before getting back into his vehicle.


The gunman escaped in a black Seat auto.

Bullet holes are visible in La Casa Nostra pizzeria Paris one of the venues for the attacks in the French capital. The death toll among Britons is expected to rise and the total loss of life in the atrocity has been revised up to at least 129 with 352