
Bush Says He Won’t Ban Syrian Refugees Who Have Been Screened

Miller said Bush does not believe the US should eliminate support for refugees.


Bush also said he disagrees with Cruz, who wants to specifically bar Muslim refugees from Syria. The poll has a margin of error of plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.

The former Florida governor also said that he thinks the governors are doing the right thing in resisting refugees because there hasn’t been clarity on the vetting.

Delegation Democrats also agree that anyone provided asylum must be carefully vetted. How dare he! Declining to put out a welcome mat for “Syrian refugees” – a…

House Speaker Paul Ryan, a Wisconsin Republican, this week called for a “pause” in USA acceptance of Syrian refugees.

“We don’t have religious tests to our compassion”, he told journalists from high atop his soapbox. “This is a moment where it’s better to be safe than to be sorry”.

“Of course we want to keep terrorists out of our country, but let’s not punish the victims of ISIS for the sins of ISIS”, said Leith Anderson, president of the National Association of Evangelicals, in a statement. “That’s not American”, Obama said on Monday, raising his voice.

“There’s a broader issue at stake here, and it is the fact that there’s a group of people that have declared war on Western civilization and on our country”, Bush said. Ted Cruz said preference should be given to Syrian Christians.

The mayors of Albuquerque and Santa Fe weighed in on the immigration controversy this week.

“Well you’re a Christian”, Bush started off saying to reporters. “We can not close our doors to these people”.

Ohio Governor John Kasich, another Republican candidate, voiced opposition to accepting refugees following the attacks, having expressed sympathy for their plight in September.

Bush said in his finest hour, our cause is not a war against Islam or the overwhelming majority of Muslims who live peacefully and loyally in the United States and in scores of other nations, from Europe to Malaysia.

“It’s a pretty good example of why he can’t be trusted being president of the United States”, Bush said about Trump.

New Mexico is not expected to be a major destination for Syrians fleeing domestic unrest.

“For the last 15 months, the Obama administration has sought to search out and destroy ISIS, yet the group has only grown stronger and gained influence”, he said.

“At a minimum we ought to be bringing in people that have – orphans or people that clearly aren’t going to be terrorists”.

Sen. Tom Udall, a New Mexico Democrat who sits on the Foreign Relations Committee, urged balance in dealing with the Syrian refugee situation. He told NBC News on Sunday, “I do think we have – we have a responsibility to help with refugees after proper screening”. She has appeared in a digital campaign video, using her story to highlight why the US needs a strategy in the Middle East. Her daughter has led his town hall audiences in the Pledge of Allegiance, all of which could complicate Bush’s potentially polarizing views on invoking a religious test to dole out aid. She wouldn’t disclose the religion of her family members who she says were turned away from the embassy, but she acknowledged that a few of her family members were, in fact, Muslim.


Lujan Grisham said we “can’t waver from that resolve to protect Americans”.

Sen. Ted Cruz and President Obama