
AAA: almost 47M will travel for Thanksgiving

The lowest price AAA found at MA gas stations was $1.94 a gallon, and the highest was $2.39.


One holiday gift has come early this year, Doney said.

Historically, gasoline demand tends to decline during the month of November, and with the autumn refinery maintenance season nearing completion, pump prices are expected to move lower to close out the year, barring any unanticipated outages or supply disruptions.

If you’re planning to hit the road this Thanksgiving, you should expect more drivers on the road. The Thanksgiving holiday travel period is defined as Wednesday, November 25 to Sunday, November 29. “Any penny you can save is a penny you can put towards the holidays”.

Air travel is expected to increase by 0.1 percent, with 3.6 million Americans flying to their holiday destinations. This represents roughly a 1 percent increase from previous year and the highest Thanksgiving travel since 2007.

Travel by other modes of transportation, including cruises, trains and buses, will decrease 1.4 percent this Thanksgiving, to 1.4 million travelers. “That’s putting more disposable income in their pockets”. Today’s national average price for a gallon of gasoline is $2.15, 65 cents less than the average price on Thanksgiving past year ($2.80).

AAA also projected domestic airfares to drop 10%, to an average of $169 on round-trip routes based on the groups Leisure Travel Index that looks at the top 40 flight routes.

“The family budget’s in much better shape the overall economy, unemployment is down, consumer confidence is up and so it’s a situation that frankly has been improving ever since we got into the recession in 2008”, Right said.

The last time the state saw prices below $2 was in January.


Last Thanksgiving weekend eight people died on the roads in SC, up five from the year before. And hotel rates are relatively flat.

2 gas coming soon for most of the U.S