
Ben Carson Compares a few Syrian Refugees To ‘Mad Dogs’

“For instance if there’s a rabid dog running around the neighborhood, probably not going to assume something good about that dog and you’re going to want to put your children away”, Carson said in response to an ABC News question regarding whether Christian organizations should be helping refugees.


“The Islamic State is not a sovereign in the territorial sense but is a sick and twisted ideology that seeks to engulf the region and turn back the clock to the Dark Ages”. Many Americans would probably agree with Carson that the pyramids may have been built by the biblical Joseph, and we’ve seen more than enough examples of how many Americans think a Muslim should not be president. “You’re going to have to be much more sophisticated than that now”. “We must balance safety against just being a humanitarian”, Carson said Thursday in Mobile, Alabama.

Carson is among the GOP hopefuls who have called for closing the nation’s borders to Syrian refugees in the wake of the shooting and bombing attacks in Paris that killed 129 people and wounded hundreds more. His campaign has responded to the resulting criticism by saying that Carson gets daily mid-morning national security briefings and that he’s getting better as the campaign progresses.

Carson stressed that the this sort of approach “doesn’t that mean you hate all dogs by any stretch of the imagination”. You’re thinking, how do I protect my children?

Echoing the fear that a few refugees could be extremist fighters aligned with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), the retired neurosurgeon proposed increasing background checks on the migrants to allow the “determine who the mad dogs are”. “Quite frankly, who are the people who want to come in and hurt us and destroy us”, he said. “It is foolish for us to accept people if we can not have the appropriate type of screening”.


There are existing authorities and processes for screening refugees, White House officials say.

Ben Carson Cut illegal immigration by cutting benefits