
Bill Clinton weighs in on Wall Street criticism

“I thought last night was a pretty disgraceful moment, when she tried to put out a smoke screen, invoking 9/11 to hide the fact that she’s taken millions in contributions from the big banks on Wall Street, not to mention all the hundreds of thousands in speaking fees”, O’Malley told Bloomberg at the barbecue.


Clinton had responded to a question about securing the border by saying she’d voted as a senator to fund a barrier to keep immigrants from entering the US, according to Time magazine. “At worst it was the type of cynical move that Mrs. Clinton would have condemned in Republicans”.

Union leadership evaluated the candidates on their positions as well as “who can win in a general election”, Henry said, adding that “she’s (Clinton) willing to use executive authority to change the lives of working people who are working their hearts out in poverty jobs”.

In the interview with Couric, Sanders continued to hit Clinton for her Wall Street financial connections and dismissed her 9/11 explanation. “We were attacked in downtown Manhattan where Wall Street is”, Clinton said.

Both Vermont senator Bernie Sanders and former Maryland governor Martin O’Malley painted the former senator from NY as a lackey for Wall Street and corporate interests.

Of course, from Clinton’s point of view, it matters a lot whether she or a few other candidate winds up in the Oval Office in 2017. “Our agenda is the most progressive in terms of demanding that Wall Street, large corporations and the wealthy finally start paying their fair share of taxes”, he said. This number does not account for any donations given directly to her campaign.

A little more than 24 hours after terrorists attacked Paris, the Democratic presidential candidates came together on one stage for a previously scheduled national debate.

“As a solution, the left-leaning editorial board suggested that “[Clinton] should make a fast, thorough effort to explain herself by providing a detailed plan for how she would promote measures protecting middle-class Americans from another financial crisis”. CBS moderator Nancy Cordes cited one negative tweet, prompting Clinton to say, “I’m sorry that whoever tweeted that had that impression”.

Since the Democrats’ first debate a month ago, Mrs Clinton has built a lead in the early voting states.

“Let’s remember we’re also dealing with people who’ve suffered the horrors of war, women and children, orphans”.

During the 14 November Democratic debate Clinton said she was cautious of “painting with too broad a brush” while describing Islam and terrorism.


“It is unconscionable that millions of new parents in this country are forced back to work because they don’t have the income to stay home with their newborn babies”, he said. “And places like Seattle, like Los Angeles, like NY City, they can go higher”.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks at the Central Iowa Democrats Fall Barbecue Sunday Nov. 15 2015 in Ames Iowa