
Ex, madame say Sheen may have infected others

Charlie Sheen was praised by his father Martin Sheen on Tuesday, after he admitted early that day he is HIV positive.


If Olson’s claims that Sheen did not disclose his diagnosis to her are true, she could file a civil suit against him. In a lengthy post, Olson told her fans that the reports about Sheen’s HIV diagnosis are “nothing more than rumors”. According to Celebricity, Taylor Tilden was one of the many women who received “millions” of dollars from Charlie, in hopes that she wouldn’t expose his private medical information.

This is where the timeline gets murky: Sheen didn’t say on “Today” exactly when he found out he had HIV, just that he was diagnosed “roughly four years ago”.

During her interview with Howard Stern, Olson let it all out when it came to revealing the intimate details of their relationship. “I would say “f- you” and hang up the phone”, she replied. She took to the social media site after the news of Charlie Sheen’s HIV diagnosis spread on media sites. “I’m clean”…but I believed him. The actor intends to maintain a 3rd, 792-square-foot home he bought for $7.2 million in 2006.Mulholland Estates is a high-end gated community, making it a very popular address for celebs, together with British singer Robbie Williams, pop show star Christina Aguilera & Paris Hilton.At the height of his Two & A Half Men success, Charlie was the highest-paid actor on tv, earning $1.9 million per episode.

Olson was also hurt that Sheen told Lauer he made a habit of sleeping with “unsavory” women.

“I am in fact HIV-positive”. Olson hedged (though did say she knew Mueller, as they had threesomes with Sheen), and brought it back to Sheen never saying anything.


“He knows exactly what he’s doing”, Olson said. She doesn’t think that he’s a monster at all. Nevertheless, the hard-partying show star stated he all the time knowledgeable his many sexual partners, together with porn stars & prostitutes, of his HIV standing.

Resources for HIV positive in the Brazos Valley