
UN Security Council urges comprehensive solution to crisis in South Sudan

According to a press statement released here, the 15-member body expressed disappointment with the actions of President Salva Kiir and former Vice President Riek Machar Teny, saying “they have put their personal ambitions ahead of the good of their country and their people and jeopardized the foundation of this fledgling state”.


“As South Sudan celebrates the fourth anniversary of its hard-won independence, our prayers around the world are for an immediate end to senseless hostilities and for peace to take root”. Six months later, on 9 July 2011, the Republic of South Sudan was born. He called upon South Sudan’s warring parties to shun atrocities and human rights infringements.

There have not been any bouquets for South Sudan, the world’s youngest nation to mark its fourth year of existence this week.

The Leader of the Minority in the National Legislative Assembly Onyoti Adigo says it is unfortunate that opposition political party leaders were not given a formal place in the protocol at the 9 July celebrations, claiming they were not even invited.

In light of the significant deterioration of the situation, the members of the Security Council underscored the urgent and imperative need to end impunity and ensuring accountability.


The humanitarian crisis that has since become synonymous with South Sudan began on 15 December 2013, when political tension spilled over and fighting broke out in the streets of Juba, the nation’s capital. “You see thousands of people here who are not all SPLM”. Meanwhile, among the millions that remain internally displaced, more than 100,000 have sought safety at increasingly crowded civilian protection sites run by UNMISS.

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