
Ted Cruz to Obama: ‘Insult me to my face’

“ISIS showed they are committing an act of war against the West”, he said, explaining that Republican party leaders had assembled a task force to consider legislation “as quickly as possible” that would suspend the admittance of Syrian refugees.


“Christians in the Middle East are in a qualitatively different situation. We don’t have religious tests to our compassion”, he said. And he also said he supports governors who are closing their borders to the refugees. Ted Cruz – both of whom have questioned the sanity of accepting Syrian refugees and have stressed the associated risks. He later declared, “they certainly can’t vet people if they won’t even say the words to determine who’s coming after us”. “And toppling Assad, if it results in radical Islamic terrorists taking over Syria, if it results in Al Qaeda or Al Nusra or ISIS taking over all of Syria, that would be a catastrophic mistake”.

Numerous Republican presidential candidates have called for Syrian refugees to be barred from entering the United States in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks. “It is very important…that we do not close our hearts to the victims of such violence and somehow start equating the issue of refugees with the issue of terrorism”. The proclamations led to heated debates over whether Syrians ought to be allowed to settle in the United States at all or whether – as NY Sen. “We should continue to do so”, he said.

Cruz said Sunday that the landscape has changed since early 2014. On this they should follow his example – it was the right one. “But President Obama refuses to do that”. “But to bring them here under these circumstances is a suspension of intellect”. But many of these countries can not cope with the enormous influx of refugees, which is creating instability in the region. Just two hours after sitting down with Bash, Cruz met protestors at an event who heckled him loudly as he worked the crowd: “We don’t want a president who discriminates against Muslims!” three young college students shouted at Cruz repeatedly for over 10 minutes.

Cruz appeared with Iowa congressman Steve King.

Cruz stated that Muslims are “not facing genocide the way Christians are”.

“As it relates to the refugees, I think we need to do thorough screening and take a limited number”. Let’s have a debate on Syrian refugees right now.

Are you a frightened refugee fleeing the violent mess in Syria? “They’ve experienced what happened in Paris on a daily basis”. “There’s no history of ISIS terrorists embedding in the Christian community and pretending to be Christian. It’s playing into their hands”, she said. Ted Cruz Wednesday morning challenged President Obama to a debate over Syrian refugees, lashing out at Obama over his comments Tuesday in the Philippines. “Never before have I seen an American president project such weakness on the global stage”. “Who do you call and do a background check on them?”

I choose not to hold that belief because I don’t want to live my life in fear. “Once you get in, you can’t trust them”, he said after a church service Cruz attended in Florence.


“If you want to insult me, you can do it overseas, you can do it in Turkey, you can do it in foreign countries”.

Christie I Wouldn't Even Take in Orphaned Children From Syria