
Ronn Torossian: USAID, European Union & New Israel Fund Backed Organization Opposes Israel

“And given the war being waged against the Palestinians by the Netanyahu government which has been going on non-stop and intensified in recent months-2,600 Palestinians have been shot in the last month, either with live ammunition or so-called rubber bullets, and 72 have been killed-in spite of this reign of terror against people living under occupation in the West Bank, the USA government continues to fund Israel’s aggression”.


“Issuing a statement on Facebook, Sikkuy said they “.condemn wholeheartedly the decision of the Government of Israel to ban the Northern Islamic movement.

Palestinian think tank, Al-Shabaka, said in a recent report on information and communication technology that operators in Palestine lose an estimated $80 to $100 million annually as a result of the lack of 3G. Palestinians said the 16-year-old was killed in an act of revenge for the deaths of three Israeli teenagers slain three weeks before.

This came as forces violently suppressed a rally commemorating the first anniversary of the killing of two Palestinian locals by Israeli police in 2014.

The Islamic Movement in Israel also has a “southern branch”, which is considered more moderate and which was not affected by the ban.

Salah’s deputy, Kamal Khatib, said the party condemned the Paris attacks and charged Israel with exploiting the timing to “punish the Islamic Movement” over its position on Jerusalem.

In October, Salah was sentenced to 11 months in jail on charges of inciting violence at the mosque compound in a 2007 speech.

Israel has repeatedly and vehemently denied Palestinian allegations that it is trying to change the status quo and has accused Palestinian political and religious leaders of lying and inciting to violence.

Also calling for firmer actions was the Im Tirtzu Zionist group, which turned to Education Minister Naftali Bennett (Jewish Home) asking that he order the heads of institutions of higher education to outlaw the Islamic Movement’s student groups, which go by the name Ikra.

A pair of stabbing and shooting attacks carried out by Palestinians killed five people Thursday – three Israelis, a Palestinian and an American – in one of the deadliest days yet in a two month-long outburst of Israeli-Palestinian violence.

Arab Israelis make up about 20 percent of Israel’s population. Israel was infuriated by the European Commission’s new set of guidelines on marking products made in seized territories in East Jerusalem, the West Bank and the Golan Heights.

During periods of tension, police at times block busloads of Islamic Movement supporters from Jerusalem.

Salah has had repeated run-ins with authorities and was previously imprisoned for funneling money to Hamas, which rules Gaza.

The group’s leaders have spearheaded accusations that Israel is plotting to take over the sensitive al-Aqsa holy site in Jerusalem.


Jewish neighborhoods of Jerusalem, including Ramat Shlomo, would remain under Israeli sovereignty according to every peace plan proposed in the past, like the Clinton parameters and the Olmert-Abbas talks. “We call for all the democratic forces in Israel to speak out against this decision, and the curbing of democracy could lead to more injuries, and Arab citizens and their organizations may not be the only victims and Israeli society will pay the price”.

Tariq Khdeir the Tampa teen of Palestinian descent who was being held in Israel after being beaten by Israeli police relatives say