
U.S. senator pushes for ground troops to fight ISIL

The president says he has the legal power to broaden the war under the 2001 authorization for use of force that Congress granted President George W. Bush to attack al Qaeda, and the 2002 legislation that approved the invasion of Iraq.


The Post goes on to describe Graham’s methods of destroying the by use of using military ISIL doesn’t have, like navies and air forces. House Speaker Paul Ryan, S-Wis., says the White House already has the authorized authorization it must fight the extremists.

Presidential hopeful Sen. Lindsey Graham demanded Wednesday that Congress debate and pass a new authorization for an open-ended war against the Islamic State, as lawmakers on Capitol Hill increasingly clamored to put their own stamps on the way the fighting in the Middle East.

“We should permit this president and each future president to do no matter is important to destroy IS earlier than they hit us right here at house”, Graham stated. It also would not restrict the United States in working to disrupt the militants’ recruiting efforts, propaganda and communications. “After 9/11 we created authorization to allow us to attack al-Qaeda anywhere, and we need the same thing now”. On November 12, two powerful suicide bombings tore through a crowded Shiite neighborhood of Beirut, killing 43 people and wounding more than 200 others.

In June, Kaine and Flake proposed legislation that authorizes action for only three years, and it included the use of ground troops only to protect the lives of United States citizens under imminent threat. The bill was meant to repeal and replace the 14-year-old 2001 AUMF passed after 9/11.

Democrats have expressed concern over a new authorization for the use of military force, especially one that includes boots on the ground. The fight could be extended to any “closely related successor entity” to the IS extremists, but the measure did not sanction large-scale ground operations.

After Obama sent over his draft of a new AUMF, 30 members of the House asked then-Speaker John Boehner to bring it up for debate and a vote. Instead, Boehner instructed the president rip it up and begin over.

Reluctance to vote runs deep, and lots of in Congress choose to criticize Obama’s coverage in Iraq and Syria with out both authorizing or stopping the struggle in order that they can’t be held politically accountable.

“I’ve been waiting a year and a half or more for legislation that would authorize the military activities we’re carrying out in Syria as we speak”, Obama said during an event in Manila.


Mr. Kaine and Mr. Flake said Congress has been remiss in leaving the president free to fight the war as he sees fit for more than a year and that it’s time for lawmakers to step up.

Sen. Lindsey Graham is planning to introduce legislation after Thanksgiving that would authorize the president to attack ISIS