
What Trump actually said about a Muslim registry

Despite ongoing tensions between the United States of America and Russian Federation, 53 percent of Americans favor a U.S.-Russia military coalition to fight Islamic terrorism.


In a Yahoo News interview published Thursday, Trump did not discount the idea when asked if his future national-security measures could include a database of Muslim-Americans or a special form of identification for them.

Trump’s comments came Thursday after NBC News asked the real estate mogul if there should be a database to keep track of Muslims in the country. He has not confirmed registration of Muslims.

“There should be a lot of systems, beyond databases”, he added.

Asked if the government would go to mosques to sign people up, Trump said: “Different places”.

For his part, Trump now seems to be distancing himself from the idea claiming that an unnamed reporter brought it up.

Trump has also voiced support for closing certain mosques as a way to contain the terror threat in the U.S.

AJC decried Donald Trump’s outrageous proposal to establish a government registry for Muslims in the United States. “So the reporter’s not asking a question bouncing off anything Trump has said”.

“It’s not a question of toughness”. He also declined to respond when Murray asked “what’s your view of it?” as he continued down the ropeline.

Trump’s apparent call for a registry found little support, even among fans and erstwhile allies in the Republican field. Trump said: “You tell me”, and then stopped responding. A notable exception has been Ted Cruz.

He said Muslims would be legally required to register for the database.

“Different places”, Trump answers.

Trump: It would stop people from coming in illegally. On the right we have an emerging group as well who tell us we should abandon American values.

Democrats and Republicans alike denounced the idea of tracking Americans on the basis of religion.

Taufique says they are just part of a larger problem that is hurting, not helping America moving forward. Should we just scatter them to the winds, and hope to catch up with them in a few Internet chatroom or through an app that we may not be able to hack into? Gee, maybe we can have them all sew little patches onto their sleeves as well.

He first said that the US should shut down mosques in the country “where a few bad things are happening”.

Scapegoating USA citizens of particular ethnic or religious groups is disgusting, wrong, and commits the Republican Party to the abandonment of key laws and protections in our country and on a path to committing a few very dark deeds. “It would cause a division, if there’s already not enough of interracial division and racism and stuff now”. That would just throw gas in the fire.


But other Trump supporters saw his logic and fear radicalization in the U.S. “It’s all about management”, he said. “And we can not let what’s happening to this country happen anymore”.
