
Apple Confirms That iPad Pro Lightning Port Is USB 3.0 Compatible

Today,, LogMeIn, Inc.’s (NASDAQ:LOGM) popular online meeting and collaboration tool, announced a key update to its popular iOS app, offering day-one support for the new iPad Pro and Apple Pencil.


Rumors of Apple devices being compatible with USB 3.0 style speeds have been surfacing for many months and now finally the iPad Pro’s Lightning port is USB 3.0 compatible. We compare the iPad Pro and Surface Pro 4 specs and promises.

USB 3.0 compatible Lightning port is significant for the iPad Pro as the Lightning port in all current-generation iPhones and iPads are USB 2.0 compatible.

Apple has put its big guns to use with iPad Pro.

But, what should Microsoft answer, knowing that fact that for the last 3 years they have been updating the Surface?

To make it appeal to professionals, there is a special keyboard accessory, making it more like a laptop. Windows Central reports that he added: “It’s trying to be a tablet and a notebook and it really succeeds at being neither”. “So with things like Handoff we just made it really simple to work on one of our products and pick it up and work on the next product”.

Apple recently released their new iPad Pro tablet, the device has a 12.9 inch display which is nearly the same size display as a few of Apple’s MacBooks.

On the back, users will find an 8-megapixel camera, while on the front there is a 1.2-megapixel camera.

Despite the additional charge the pencil is certainly a valuable accessory, and recent demand since the launch shows there is certainly demand for an input device that allows designers and artists to draw accurately on the iPad Pro’s large touchscreen.


So, with its high cost, besides professionals who need something like this, Gabe thinks the iPad Pro would appeal to iPad enthusiasts. The buttons also feel pretty good and the typing is great.

Apple has released the iPad Pro which is set to beat the tablets currently out in the market