
United States taking thousands more Muslims than Christians

Ted Cruz (R-Texas), for their “shameful” comments supporting special protections for Christian refugees in Syria. His reasoning? “There is no meaningful risk of Christians committing acts of terror”. “If there were a group of radical Christians pledging to murder anyone who had a different religious view than they, we would have a different national security situation”, he said Sunday in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, The Washington Post reported.


“But it is precisely the Obama administration’s unwillingness to recognize that or ask those questions that makes them so unable to fight this enemy”. It’s doubtful that many conservatives will be promoting any “Judeo-” values, because American Jews tend to lean more to liberal beliefs than other religions. He spoke Monday at a news conference in Antalya, Turkey. “We should focus our efforts as it relates to the refugees for the Christians that are being slaughtered”. And according to Cruz, you are also probably a terrorist.

Since the Paris terrorist attacks on November 13, governors of more than half of the US’s 50 states have said they will not welcome Syrian refugees-defying President Barack Obama’s September announcement that the U.S. would take 10,000 Syrian refugees in 2016. “That’s been the history of the United States”, he told Fox News source in a video featured on Cruz’s web site. “If Ryan will not lead and reject the importation of those fleeing the Middle East without assurances that we can separate refugees from terrorists, then Speaker Ryan needs to step down today and let someone else lead”, he said, according to Politico. “Until that goal is achieved, we must work with the world community to provide safe haven to vulnerable and deserving refugees who are simply attempting to survive”. “And I don’t think orphans under five…should be admitted into the United States at this point. We should continue to do so”, he said. “We are having to be very careful about who we let enter this country from these war-torn regions to ensure that terrorists are not coming here”. “But because it would be a repetition of what we have seen before”. Considering that the Obama administration defines refugees as people “persecuted by their government”, most of those coming into the US either aided or at least sympathized with the jihad against Assad (even if they only revealed their true colors when the time was right). He said that Western nations should create a safe zone in Syria for the refugees instead. Hillary Clinton will not call this Islamic terrorism. “Bring tens of thousands of them to America and put them here”.

No terrorist incident has ever been traced to somebody admitted through the American refugee resettlement program. Ben Carson said accepting the refugees is a “suspension of intellect”.

You know, there’s been such a backlash against Syrian refugees coming to the United States after the word that a few of these attackers may have passed through Syria. Sunday, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) said the country can not absorb any more Syrian refugees.

“No vetting process can make guarantees, but the population identified by the United Nations and vetted by both organizations has worked successfully in alleviating crises in dozens of other countries, including Iraq, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Somalia and the Central African Republic”, Mock said. To be clear no muslims, only Christians. George. And, Jon, not only the president speaking out but white house officials really pushing back with congress on this idea that Donald Trump just raised that we can’t find out who these people are.


Lavinia Limon, the president and chief executive of the U.S. Commission for Refugees and Immigrants, said she is surprised the once-nonpartisan cause of helping refugees fleeing violence has become so politicized.

Ted Cruz Says Christians Pose No Meaningful Risk of Terrorism