
Biden: ‘Refugees face most rigorous screening’ of anyone

“We’re talking to the media nonstop”. “These simple human acts are a powerful reminder that we can not be broken and in the face of terror we stand as one”, said the vice president. This means they have to have a well-founded fear of persecution based on five specific grounds: nationality, race, religion, political opinion or membership in a particular social group.


The co-ordinated bomb and gun attacks at a number of sites in Paris on Friday night killed 129 people.

Arguing that the federal government can’t assure that terrorists from Iraq and Syria, where ISIS makes its capital, won’t gain entry to the US through the program, American politicians have sought to curb it, and by extension the work of its religious partners. Simply by objecting so strenuously to Syrian refugees coming to Alabama, Bentley and other similarly minded governors may have made it unlikely that any of the 10,000 Syrian refugees that the president has said the nation will accept in 2016 will be relocated to their states.

Vice President Joe Biden says Islamic terrorists want the turn away Syrian refugees in order to radicalize Muslims already in the country.

These latest developments on Capitol Hill have the nonprofits particularly anxious. “We can assure Americans that they will be safe”. The administration stresses that of the more than 2,000 Syrians admitted to the USA since the September 11, 2001, attacks, none has been arrested or deported in connection with terrorism.

Then the Paris attacks happened, ISIS announced that it would target NY and Washington, and news reports raised the possibility that one of the Paris bombers may have entered Europe amid a group of refugees. American politicians began lashing out against plans to bring more Syrians to America.

The administration’s veto threat “baffles me”, Ryan said, “especially given the fact that his own law enforcement top officials came to Congress and testified that there are gaps in this refugee program”. If we can only give refuge to less than 1 percent of Syrian refugees, why can’t the President offer a commonsense compromise that refuge be given to the most vulnerable? Eight of 39 California Democrats in the House joined with all 14 California Republicans to approve the measure. We can not and should not blame them for the actions of a terrorist organization. “This is not to instill fear but to remind us to be vigilant”.

Violence plays a major role in the impetus of Syrians to leave their homes and flee their increasingly risky country, but Shelly Pitterman of the UNHCR said perhaps the main trigger for flight is the humanitarian funding shortfall. Meanwhile, mayors in many of those same states, say they welcome the refugees.

The bill would halt the admission of refugees from Syria and Iraq until it can be certified by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Department of Homeland Security, and the director of national intelligence that they do not pose a threat to national security. “This program is locked and tight”. Dianne Feinstein, a Democrat, and Sen. “They want frightened people to think in terms of ‘us versus them, ‘” Biden said in a video Saturday, where he took the president’s place in his weekly address.

Church leaders are trying to counter this “can’t be too careful” approach with the Bible, which repeatedly exhorts: “Do not be afraid”.


“Be not afraid”, said Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry in a statement released by the church on Wednesday. “We will not let the nightmare this world often is keep us from carrying out the words of Jesus who told us to be a neighbor to those in need”.

A Shameful Week of Bigotry in America