
Takeaways from the Republican debate

The fourth Republican presidential debate on Tuesday unveiled strengths and weaknesses of the top eight candidates vying to win their party’s nomination to be the next president of the United States.


Social media monitoring company Brandwatch reported that the Republican presidential debate on FOX Business accumulated more than 543K online mentions.

Ted Cruz: Had it not been for his own “oops” moment of sorts, seeming to forget (like Rick Perry) one of the agencies he’d eliminate, Cruz would have been your overall victor.

Bush did better than he did in his last debate but also went quiet for long stretches.

Kyle Kondik, managing editor of the newsletter Sabato’s Crystal Ball at the University of Virginia Center for Politics, said the debate winners and losers weren’t clear. Bringing up the rear are Jeb Bush (3 percent) and John Kasich (2 percent).

Earlier that morning, Trump used Twitter with much the same message, crowning himself the victor of the debate and lavishing praise on its moderators. From left are Ohio Gov. John Kasich, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, U.S. Sen.

Bush supporters also believe Rubio’s opposition to abortion even for victims of rape or incest is too extreme.

“The fact of the matter is, you know, what – we should vet all candidates”, the retired neurosurgeon said.

The most relieved candidate after the two-hour encounter inside the Milwaukee Theatre, according to Reuters, was former Florida governor Jeb Bush, who failed to make a dent in the three previous debates and had seen a decline in financial donations.

“Think about the families; think about the children”.

“They’re doing high-fives in the Clinton campaign right now when they hear this”, Bush had said of Trump’s plan to deport an estimated 11 million individuals. He started off by saying, “Well first of all, thanks for not asking me what I said in tenth grade”.

During the debate, Trump interjected to accuse Carly Fiorina of “interrupting everybody”.

“The Democrats are laughing – because if Republicans join Democrats as the party of amnesty, we will lose”, Cruz said. Rand Paul came in third with 15 percent, or 42,715 votes.

He added, “You will have to send people out. we’re a country of laws. What I do have a problem with is being lied about”.

“It may have looked that way, but that’s not what happened”, Rubio said on ABC’s “Good Morning America”.

Most of the candidates gave practically the same answers for creating jobs, cutting taxes and curtailing government policies on businesses. Then again, her line of the night that she’s met Vladimir Putin before – not in a green room for a show, but in a private meeting” – has one big problem: “That’s exactly how she described her meeting with Putin.

For the most part, the moderators were deferential, and the candidates seemed to appreciate it.


Asked if the GOP presidential race feels any more settled after Tuesday’s debate, Johnson said: “It’s still pretty wide open from what I can tell”.

Donald Trump appears on stage at the CNN Republican Presidential Debate in Simi Valley California