
Hillary Clinton endorsed by Service Employees worldwide Union

FILE image- Errol Louis speaks with guest host Frank Sesno, Director of George Washington University’s School of Media & Public Affairs, on the July 28, 2013 edition of Reliable Sources.


According to Fox News, the candidates were asked to talk about the horrifying terror attacks in Paris and weigh in on the statement made by Republican bet Senator Marco Rubio that “we are at war with radical Islam”. “I did spend a whole lot of time and effort to rebuild”.

Clinton’s comment in the debate came in response to questions by Sanders about her willingness to accept campaign contributions from Wall Street.

Clinton, speaking earlier in the day at a Democratic barbecue, suggested Sanders would raise middle-class taxes and “scrap” President Barack Obama’s health care law, the Associated Press said. In Nevada, Clinton has a strong lead, and she leads Sanders by an average of 35 points in Florida.

Hillary Clinton claimed over the weekend that Wall Street firms have supported her financially because she was a US senator on September 11, 2001, but campaign finance records show seven-figure support from the industry before the attacks. “That was good for NY”. “We need to get a consensus through this campaign, which is why I’m talking about it everywhere I go, and we need to join the rest of the advanced world in having it”. “Trying to pump out a smokescreen to distract from the real issue from her alignment with the big banks of Wall Street by wrapping herself in the sentiments in the tragedy of 9/11. And it was a way to rebuke the terrorists who had attacked our country”.

After the debate, Clinton’s campaign predictably tried to say that she didn’t say what she said.

Clinton has called for increasing the minimum wage to $12 an hour, while her primary opponents Vermont Sen. “But now there is a larger safe haven, and we must rise to this occasion in collaboration and with alliances to confront it, and invest in the future much better human intelligence so we know what the next steps are”.

“We are going to win because we are going to explain what democratic socialism is”, he said.


During the debate, Ms. Clinton highlighted that she received many contributions from women, and that her Wall Street connections sent a message to al Qaeda. It was repealed in 1999 when Bill Clinton was in office. Barring a change in her approach, Clinton should expect to hear more criticism – much more – from Sanders and other left-leaning Democrats. A few financial watchdog groups have said the repeal was part of the financial deregulations that worsened the 2008 financial crisis.

Hillary Clinton speaks at an event in Ames Iowa on Nov. 15 2015