
NYPD conducts active shooter drill in Lower Manhattan subway station

Emergency responders, including members of the NYPD and FDNY, held the drill in the Bowery Street station starting at around 4 a.m.


The area around Kenmare and Broome streets was blocked off by cops as the emergency workers flooded the closed station to help a dozen victims.

In the drill, two officers responded to a report of a man with a gun. Blanks were loaded in the high-powered weapons.

The drill has been planned for a few time but got a last-minute update after the deadly Paris attacks: Officials added an attacker wearing a suicide vest.

Even with the heavy show of NYPD might during the drill, people should not be dissuaded from visiting NY City as Thanksgiving and the December holidays approach, said U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson during a news conference after the drill attended by de Blasio, NYPD Commissioner William Bratton and other city officials.

Johnson said copycat and lone-wolf attacks continue to be a concern at his agency.

There has been heightened security in the subways since the terror attacks in France to ensure commuters are safe.

“I actually don’t have second thoughts”, said Sara Al Mouswai, of Boston.


As the holidays near and growing crowds gather across the city, police are urging the public to be alert and stay vigilant.

NYPD conducts active shooter drill in Lower Manhattan subway station