
Syrian refugee crisis: It’s about compassion and security

Steve Pearce falls into the first camp, and voted for the legislation.


A group of 27 Republican governors, including South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard, sent a letter to Obama on Friday asking that he bar Syrian refugees from resettling in the United States until the vetting process for the asylum seekers can be deemed secure.

If the measure is passed by the Senate, the White House has said Obama would veto it. The bill expresses lawmakers’ hostility toward Syrian refugees, masking intolerance as security concerns.

The tragic event in Paris last week was a horrific attack on humanity, but we have always said that defeating an enemy as unsafe and determined as ISIL will be a long fight. “We don’t make good decisions if it’s based on hysteria or an exaggeration of risks”.

“People are very nervous, very anxious about this”, said House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Democrats in the Senate, however, have vowed that it will not pass that chamber. That’s not who we are. “We are smart enough to bring thousands of people into this country and make sure they are not going to hurt is”.

Half of the Syrian refugees are children and young people, and 24 percent are males over the age of 21, according to the State Department’s Worldwide Refugee Admissions Processing System.

Ayeda Sati didn’t come to the United States as a refugee.

Also Thursday, FBI Director James B. Comey announced that while US law enforcement officials were on heightened alert following the Paris attacks and pledges by Islamic State to strike NY and Washington, federal law enforcement agents had not substantiated any “credible” threats at this time.

She said she believed there should be pause before labeling those who voted in favor of the bill as anti-refugee, or those who voted against it as not caring about the national security of the country.

In the letter, the White House underscored its commitment to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees, the overwhelming number being families, victims of torture and children.

The four sponsors said in a press release that all services in the Office of Refugee Resettlement should be suspended, including the health services, legal services and social services “that help refugees become self-sufficient as quickly as possible after their arrival in the United States”.

The debate over the Syrian refugee crisis ratcheted up yesterday after the House of Representatives, in a landslide vote, approved veto-proof measures that would severely tighten the screening process for refugees trying to enter the United States. “That’s American leadership. That’s when we’re the shining light on the hill”.

On Thursday Sens. Jeff Flake, R-Arizona, and Dianne Feinstein, D- California, said they plan to introduce bipartisan legislation for the 38 countries that are part of the visa waiver program to end visa waivers for anyone from those countries who has traveled to Syria or Iraq in the past five years. The United States has a noble tradition of responding to major wars and conflicts by resettling refugees from across the globe-three million refugees have been safely admitted since 1975. “We must not turn our backs on them now”.

With the House’s 246 Republicans ready to solidly support the legislation, the administration was eager to keep the final tally for the bill below the two-thirds margin required to override a veto.


Now, she fears what will happen to the millions of people fleeing the violence in Syria.

U.S., U.N. accused of failing to help Christians seeking to escape from ISIS