
Fla poll: Trump 36%, Rubio 18%, Carson 15%, Cruz 10%, Bush 9%

A survey from WBUR found Trump leading the field of Republican presidential hopefuls with the support of 22% of likely GOP primary voters. Retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, who scored as high as 18% in another New Hampshire poll in September, fell to 10%. What has changed, though, is that Senators Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio have begun to distance themselves from the rest of the field and close the gap on the two frontrunners. “He is touching a few raw nerves and people just want someone who’s going to go up there and do what he says and says what he does”, he tells KTRH.


So now the conventional wisdom is shifting again: Rather than hurting Trump, his bellicose remarks on foreign policy are actually making him stronger.

The margin of error for the whole survey is plus or minus 2.7 percentage points. The more durable Trump looks, the farther out the window that plan goes.

In the poll, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush is in fifth place with 6.4 percent and U.S. Sen.

Twenty-two percent of Utahns said they’d choose Carson to be the 2016 GOP nominee, while 9 percent picked Trump.

Others said the candidate’s success in business and global travels have prepared him to deal with a range of foreign policy concerns.

Real-estate tycoon Donald Trump could win the Republican presidential primary in Florida and beat former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the general election if either vote were held today, according to a new poll of Florida voters.

While there has been renewed talk of the possibility that Republican leaders frustrated with Carson and Trump could persuade Romney to make a third run for the White House, that doesn’t appear to be something Utahns expect to see. His security advisers have also hit back, saying the US has the most robust security screening process for refugees in the world.

Likewise, RealClearPolitics, puts the reality TV star at the head of the pack with 26.3 percent, Rubio at 12.3 percent, and Carson at 11.3 percent.

Still Trump and other Republicans keep repeating the statistic, and this week he claimed on Twitter that, ‘Refugees from Syria are now pouring into our great country’.

Indeed, they said the terrorist attacks have reordered the candidates in their mind, lifting Cruz and Sen.

Trump was referring to his 95-minute tirade last week in which he said voters in Iowa who support Carson are “stupid” to believe the “crap” that is his life story.

At a time of amplified global threats, Trump said Carson isn’t up to the task of being commander-in-chief.


“We stop at a church that’s willing to have us and following church, there’s usually food and banquet time so we cook burgers, hot dogs, and brats for them”, said Rhodes, who founded the Iowa Tea Party and worked for Michele Bachmann’s campaign for the 2012 caucus.

Donald Trump