
Christian refugees discriminated against by USA and United Kingdom governments

Rick Santorum (R-PA) on Tuesday said that the US should stop taking in refugees from Syria, adding that the USA should even bar Christians from Syria. But all these other people, they’ve got to stay in the Middle East. We cannot be the warehouse of all these, you know, Muslim people coming from these far-flung lands where – we’re just not going to be able to control who becomes radicalized, who doesn’t because of technology, it’s impossible.


Since the Paris terrorist attacks on November 13, governors of more than half of the US’s 50 states have said they will not welcome Syrian refugees-defying President Barack Obama’s September announcement that the U.S. would take 10,000 Syrian refugees in 2016.

“Dark impulse”: Obama responded to the comments by reminding critics of the United States’ long history of religious and racial pluralism. “Focusing on other things was an error that created the need for the surge”, Bush said. The 1930s provide a useful comparison: would it have been “shameful” for the United States to provide special help to Jewish refugees, who were the targets of special persecution and genocide? “That’s not American. That’s not who we are”. On Sunday, Jeb Bush also said that, although he isn’t entirely opposed to helping refugees who’d been screened, “I think our focus ought to be on the Christians who have no place in Syria anymore”.

Trump, who has repeatedly blasted Obama’s approach to the civil war in Syria, said he would “increase the frequency [of airstrikes] like you wouldn’t believe…” In essence, he’s asking that the State Department perform a religion test to determine who is a Christian and who is a Muslim, and only offer assistance to those that come up Christian. We have to hit them very, very hard and very, very smart.

In fact, if giving priority to religious minorities is our stated goal, then Christians from all 57 Muslim countries should be given accelerated consideration. “We need to be resolute as it relates to that”.

Rubio and Jeb want to keep all Syrians out, but the compassionate Texas senator says no!-let the Christian ones in.

Stating that you are a Christian, as Donald Trump has done, makes you a Christian as much as saying “moo” makes you a cow or owning a basketball makes you an NBA star.

The House is expected to vote this week on a bill that would temporarily halt Obama’s plan to allow the refugees into the U.S.

“We should not be admitting either Muslims or Christians, and you’ll say, ‘Whoa why won’t you want to admit Christians?’, because in so doing we would be accomplishing exactly what ISIS wants to accomplish, which is to rid the area of Christians, which is to rid the area of moderate Muslims”, Santorum said on Pittsburgh radio show “Rose Unplugged”, according to an audio clip highlighted by Buzzfeed News. Because the UN’s refugee camps, run by the high commissioner for refugees, are nearly entirely Muslim and Christians do not feel safe in them. “That’s what separates us from them”. We distinguish in the United States between acts of violence committed for financial or personal reasons, for example, and those motivated by hate-including “attempts to cause bodily injury to any person, because of the actual or perceived race, color, religion, or national origin”.


“The people who are fleeing Syria are the most harmed by terrorism”, Obama said.

Jeb Bush: US Should Focus On Christian Refugees From Syria