
A few iPad Pros Are Freezing And People Are Mad

Apple has finally acknowledged that there is problem with iPad Pro.


The Pencil that comes with the Apple iPad Pro is quite surprisingly durable.

Often the battle with consumer electronics faults is encouraging the manufacturer to concede that there is a problem, and this has now been achieved. The document concludes “Apple is aware of this issue and is investigating”. Samsung’s massive unit has either 32GB or 64GB ROM with microSD support up to 128GB; Apple’s one doesn’t provide microSD support but has either 32GB or 128GB internal memory. Users can now easily swap and replace the iPad Pro’s battery as it’s not soldered to the logic board.

The issue appears to be affecting iPad Pro users that are running iOS 9.1, so the problem could be a software related issue rather than a hardware one.

The Surface Pro 4 doesn’t have a lot of competition for now but things could change with iPad Air 3 entering the fray. Well, it can be done, but the Pencil and the device itself need to be in a secure place.

In a way, the iPad Pro is the ideal device if you love the experience of reading physical media but want to step firmly into the digital age.

Another accessory, the ThinkPad Tablet dock, essentially allows the ThinkPad 10 to transform into a desktop by providing two USB 2.0 ports for a mouse and keyboard as well HDMI and Ethernet connectors.


Several users complained of their iPad Pro’s screen refusing to turn back on after charging and Apple surprisingly kept mum on the issue. Even casual followers of the smartphone marketplace will remember Bendgate, which generated major headlines past year. For example, Spotify now won’t even work on an iPad Pro. To do this just hold down the Home and power buttons at the same time for at least ten seconds to trigger a full reboot. In terms of size and color, the iPad Pro has an edge over its rival, as not only that it has larger surface dimensions from that of the Surface Pro 4, but is thinner as well. No. But nearly. I’ve had a tablet on the go since the first generation iPad and I tend to go through a honeymoon period where I use it nearly exclusively before slowly reverting to a laptop as my primary device.

A few iPad Pros Are Freezing And People Are Mad