
MintPress News: Joint Chief Nominee Lists Russian Federation As Greatest Threat To US

Dunford told lawmakers on Thursday: “If you want to talk about a nation that could pose an existential threat to the United States, I’d have to point to Russian Federation”.


“I would just say what the secretary does consider an existential threat is the rapid growth of extremist groups like ISIL, particularly in ungoverned spaces”, added Toner, using another name for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. “And if you look at their behavior, it’s nothing short of alarming”, Dunford said.

During his 2012 presidential campaign, President Barack Obama infamously mocked then-GOP nominee Mitt Romney for claiming Russian Federation was the “number one geopolitical foe” of the United States.

Washington, July 11 (IANS): Welcoming the announcement of future engagement between India and Pakistan, United States has said it supports all steps between the two governments to strengthen their dialogue and cooperation.

Dunford strongly supported the Defense Department’s rebalance to the Pacific, but said the conflict over building a new Marine air station on Okinawa to replace the Futenma facility was an internal Japanese political issue.

Daesh and al Qaeda’s “ability to attract foreign fighters” present “real and tangible threats” to the USA, Toner said.

US State Department spokesman Mark Toner said Kerry did not share the assessment, even though Russia’s actions in Ukraine posed regional security challenges.

North Korea and its ballistic missile capabilities along with the growing worldwide threat of ISIS were also part of the list.

In the Middle East, however, he pointed to Iran as “the most destabilizing element” in the region and “clearly a malign influence”.


Pressed by Chairman John McCain, R-Ariz., on the effort to build a moderate opposition force in Syria, Dunford said he understood that the law does not permit US force against Syrian President Bashar Assad. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., at Dunford’s confirmation hearing in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee.

Kerry doesn't view Russia as existential threat - U.S. State Department