
Microsoft Windows 10 Sale: Movies, Music, Games and Apps for 10 Cents

The research house says that more than half of enterprises will begin to roll out Windows 10 this year.


However if this ROM is successful, it also means that users will be able to swap out their Android operating system for Windows 10, thus giving them the freedom of choice. Companies are aware of the end of Windows 7 support coming in January 2020 and of the strong backwards compatibility with Windows 7 applications and devices.

This type of Windows adoption is following a familiar pattern.

Microsoft is offering the app “Back to the Drawing Board” for 99% off. Regularly priced at $18.99, the dime deal app is described as: “This powerful 2D CAD and technical drawing tool is ideal for creating 2D plans, elevations, details, schematics, diagrams and charts on your Windows device – and it takes full advantage of Windows features to offer a great drawing experience whether you’re on a desktop, laptop or tablet”. This convergence enables one app targeting the Universal Windows Platform to run on every Windows device – on Lumia 950 in your pocket, the Surface or the Surface Book in your bag, the PC on your desk, and the Xbox console in your living room. To keep an eye on each everyday bargain, you simply should open the Windows Store on a Windows 10 COMPUTER as well as the house section will detail all of the everyday flicks, video games, as well as application bargains.

“All of these trends portend a new employee workspace that is more mobile, more capable of working more naturally with humans, and, overall, more productive and secure”. From November 20 until 29, users can purchase more than 1,000 titles of movies, songs, games, and apps at a bargain-basement price of only 10 cents each. “Software vendors and internal IT have much to do to adapt to this new model and to move away from the image management model for PCs of today”. “Endpoint support staff must rethink the workspace and work with suppliers to re-architect and re-cost standards”, Dulaney added.


To see a list of high yielding CDs go here.

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