
Battlefront is the biggest Star Wars game ever

With regard to the availability of the remastered “Super Star Wars” game for PS4, Christian Post has revealed that it is for the first time that the original classic 16-bit game has been launched on any other platform besides Nintendo consoles. No celebrity has come forward about being paid or have posted anything positive about Star Wars: Battlefront.


That’s according to the Player Stats Network, a website which chronicles the user figures of EA’s biggest games.

It’s not unusual for high-profile celebrities to receive endorsements from companies to say good thinks about their products, whether you agree with this or not, so it comes as a bit of a surprise that Breaking Bejamin frontman has made a decision to throw a bit of a hissyfit for being asked to promote Star Wars Battlefront.

A tremendous musical score and immersive sound effects can transform a good game into a great one, and Battlefront has had the honour of a top class soundtrack smothered all over it. a few of the music is obviously pulled straight from the brain of the legendary John Williams, but a lot of credit must be diverted to an unsung hero. Not only that though but with EA having already confirmed that Battlefront will get at least one sequel, it’s even a possibility that Sony will try to secure the game as a PS4 exclusive, using Battlefront’s PlayStation popularity as leverage.


Gordy Haab was handed the thankless task of doing the unthinkable: matching Williams’ Star Wars sounds.

Star Wars Battlefront