
Happy ending for red panda who escaped zoo for weekend adventure

The search for Masala, the adventurous red panda that escaped from a Eureka zoo, is officially over.


The Eureka Times Standard reported on Sunday that the tiny creature named Masala was found safe and sound on Saturday night and was taken back to the Sequoia Park Zoo.

Zoo manager Gretchen Ziegler says that any resident who spots the 1 1/2-year old panda should not approach it, but try not to lose sight of it and call the zoo or police.

Masala disappeared for three days from Sequoia Park zoo on November 19 but has since returned, presumably to regale other pandas with tales of her weekend adventure. Red pandas are small-about the size of large house cats-with adorable bushy tails.

The panda was lured down the three-metre tall tree with food and caught.

‘Animals can do things you can’t imagine.

The news of the search swept across the nation and even across the sea but now she is safely home again.

Four months after the couple’s meeting, Móhú, the twin’s older sibling, was born and later transferred to Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines.


Native to the Himalayas and southwestern China, red pandas are almost extinct because of deforestation, park officials said.

A red panda was seen at Sequoia Park Zoo in Eureka Calif. in March