
What’s open and closed on Thanksgiving Day and Friday

The city’s compost facility at 1560 N. Eighth Street will be closed on Thanksgiving and Friday.


Thursday customers will receive orange hang-tags on their garbage containers notifying them of the change in collection days.

City of Pensacola Sanitation Services collection schedule will be changed this week. It will remain closed Thursday and be open regular business hours, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Friday. The Municipal Service Center will be closed on November 26 and 27 for all services, including refuse and recycling collection and bulky waste drop off. Refuse and recycling normally collected on Thursday will be collected on Wednesday, November 25, one day early, along with the normal Wednesday collection.

Sumrall city offices will be closed Thursday and Friday.

Banks and credit unions: Closed Thursday.

The Moe Schwab Recycling Center will be closed and regional pickup will not take place Thursday-Saturday. Friday’s routes will be done on Monday, November 30.


Post Office: Offices closed and no mail service Thursday. The Westside Community Center will be closed beginning at 5pm. on Wednesday, November 25th, and will re-open on Saturday. The District Clerk’s Office will close at 3 pm.

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