
Cyber Monday deals starting Sunday night at Walmart

The company said that shoppers can now shop from grandma’s living room on Thanksgiving Day or from the airport waiting area on Black Friday rather than waiting for Cyber Monday to roll around. These days, most Americans have broadband at home, decreasing the relevance of Cyber Monday.


Walmart’s earlier start time breaks with what it calls that “tired” tradition and reflects a commitment to make shopping easier for customers without asking them to stay up into the wee hours or checking online every few minutes on Monday.

Walmart said it will quadruple its number of Cyber Monday specials this year.

Wal-Mart has announced that it will launch its Cyber Monday deals a day earlier this year as the retailer looks to step up its efforts to compete with e-commerce titan, Amazon. Fernando Madeira, chief executive of, said the company is adapting its sale to better meet needs of the growing swath of shoppers. Then throughout the week an additional 2,000 promotionally priced products will be featured each day on through Friday, December 4. The savings continue with Cyber Monday starting at 8 p.m. ET on November 29, with incredible deals, including: “LG 65” 4K Ultra HDTV – $799 ($500 savings) + free shipping; Microsoft Surface Pro 3 – $599 ($200 savings) + free shipping; Air Hogs Star Wars Remote Control X-34 Landspeeder – $19 ($15 savings) + free shipping to store and many more. It will also be offering a second round of deals on Monday evening when its traffic patterns in the past have grown, he said.

Each qualifies for free shipping by exceeding Walmart’s $50 minimum. However, much like Black Friday, the traditional demarcations have become blurred.


Walmart Stores making all of its “Cyber Monday” online discounts available on the Sunday after Thanksgiving.

Walmart Target in Cyber Monday shift