
Modern Family’s Reid Ewing Comes Out as Gay After Plastic Surgery Addiction

According to The Hollywood Gossip, Reid Ewing has been opening up a lot about his personal life and in addition to revealing he has a condition known as body dysmorphia disorder and an addiction to plastic surgery, he’s also opening up about his sexuality and confirming that he’s gay.


Ewing, 27, wrote an essay for Huffington Post’s Healthy Living section in which he detailed his personal experience battling body dysmorphia and the different plastic surgery procedures he underwent in a quest to obtain a certain look. “I think people often choose cosmetic surgery in order to be accepted, but it usually leaves them feeling even more like an outsider”.

“I woke up screaming my head off from pain, with tears streaming down my face”. ‘No one is allowed to be this ugly, ‘ I thought. “I went back to the doctor several times in a frenzy, but he kept refusing to operate on me for another six months, saying I would eventually get used to the change. And I Wish I Hadn’t” chronicles Ewing’s mental illness in which he obsessed over the way he looked. Later, the results horrified him. The doctor acknowledged he made a mistake and operated again, trying to fix it. He later opened up to the actor and shared that he was now fighting a couple of lawsuits.

“At this point I was 20 years old”.

“Each procedure would cause a new problem that I would have to fix with another procedure”, he said.

“All the isolation, secrecy, depression and self-hate became too much to bear”, he continued. “Now I can see that I was fine to begin with and didn’t need the surgeries after all”, he wrote. None of the four doctors who worked on him did a mental health screening.


When he tweeted a compliment to another man’s good looks, Reid Ewing of “Modern Family” insists he did not “out” himself because he never hid his different gender preference. He’s now realised that he should never have had the surgeries to begin with, and recognises that he had become consumed by body dysmorphia.

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