
Cynical Israeli timing to ban Islamic Movement

Netanyahu contends that the Islamic Movement’s northern section, which unlike its southern branch refuses to recognize Israel’s legitimacy, has encouraged assaults on Israelis. But the attack in Israel’s economic hub of Tel Aviv returned the violence to the Israeli heartland, shattering a lull that had set in outside of the West Bank and stoking Israeli fears that a full-fledged Palestinian uprising could erupt.


If the state carries a stick and no carrots, the Arab-Jewish divide can only deepen Democracies do indeed have the right and the duty to defend themselves against those who would use democracy to undermine and destroy them from within, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu noted following the announcement on Tuesday that the northern branch of the Islamic Movement was to be outlawed.

The violence has Israelis on edge, and several politicians have urged licensed gun owners to carry their weapons.

But above all, the announcement underscores Netanyahu’s duplicity and proves that what he says depends in large measure on who he is talking to.

Police raided the Islamist group’s offices overnight Monday, seizing documents, computers and money in chapters across the country. Authorities also froze the group’s bank accounts and the government said activists could be subject to arrest if they violate the ban.

Ultimately, Olmert resigned from the Kadima party leadership over corruption charges; the peace negotiations ended without tangible results; and Abbas is still head of the PA.

“After the announcement of the government of Israel that the Islamic Movement will be made illegal for its support of Palestinian terror and close ties with Hamas, we ask the education minister, in his role as chairman of the higher education council, to outlaw the student groups of the Islamic Movement (Ikra) from the campuses of higher education institutions in Israel”, wrote Im Tirtzu.

Israel has repeatedly and vehemently denied Palestinian allegations that it is trying to change the status quo and has accused Palestinian political and religious leaders of lying and inciting to violence.

Salah’s deputy, Kamal Khatib, said the group condemned the Paris attacks, and he charged Israel with exploiting the timing to “punish the Islamic Movement”.

Members of Israel’s Arab minority, who make up about 20 percent of the population, have citizenship but suffer widespread discrimination in jobs, housing and social services. A general strike and mass protests have been called.

This is not the first such ban by Israel. Palestinians have rejected his demand that they recognise Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people as a condition for the creation of a Palestinian state. Israeli extremists burned 16-year-old Mohammed alive in revenge for the killings of three Israeli teens in the West Bank. At least 82 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli fire, 52 of them said by Israel to be attackers, the remainder killed in clashes with Israeli troops. The site is also revered by Jews as the home of the biblical Jewish temples.


Salah has alleged in speeches and annual rallies that Israel plans to expand its control there. Since 2001, the Islamic Movement has bused tens of thousands of supporters to the mosque compound every year to strengthen Muslim presence.

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