
Clinton, Sanders grappling over taxes and health care in Democratic primary

“The Service Employee Unions worldwide (SEIU) on Tuesday became the latest major labor group to back Clinton’s bid for the White House”.


She held a large event with union members in which she talked in detail about the particular challenges faced by the healthcare and child care workers SEIU represents and how she would confront them.

Clinton says at a Dallas rally that Democrats shouldn’t follow a proposal by “one of my opponents” that would eliminate the current system and turn it over to the states.

SEIU endorsed President Obama over Clinton in the 2008 primary battle, providing a critical boost to his campaign.

Hillary Clinton accused him of impugning her integrity and Bill Clinton on Sunday dismissed the attacks, with a shake of his head: “It is a stretch”, he said.

Clinton has received far more in contributions from the financial industry than Sanders, whose campaign has been fueled mostly by small donations from across the country.

The union that has spearheaded the campaign to set a $15 minimum hourly wage for all workers in the United States yesterday threw its weight behind the presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton meaning that she now has the support of roughly two thirds of all unionised workers in the country.

The worldwide Executive Board of the Service Employees global Union met Tuesday in Washington, where they voted to extend their endorsement to Clinton. Bernie Sanders, a senator, and Martin O’Malley, an ex-governor, don’t have as much experience with these issues, and Clinton probably benefits in the Democratic race if national security becomes a major focus in the wake of the Paris attacks.

Clinton put considerable effort into getting the union’s support. “It adds even more momentum to the Clinton campaign that has already distanced itself from the rest of the field”, Kefauver said in an email.

Praising what he called Clinton’s “bold, aggressive agenda”, Fallon contended that the former secretary of state “believes strongly that middle class families deserve a raise, not a tax increase”.

Perhaps the most important shift for labor was Clinton’s decision to come out against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), a sweeping Pacific Rim trade deal that President Obama is trying to push through Congress.

The union has been at the forefront in the fight to get cities to adopt a $15 an hour minimum wage.

Sanders made his familiar attacks on wealth inequality, Wall Street fraud and corruption, and pressed his call for health care through expanded Medicaid.


Henry recently said the SEIU would not make supporting the $15 minimum wage a litmus test for candidates.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks at the Central Iowa Democrats Fall Barbecue Sunday Nov. 15 2015 in Ames Iowa