
Killer Mike and Bernie Sanders Enjoy Soul Food Before Atlanta Rally

According to a tweet from The Washington Post’s John Wagner, Killer Mike said of Sanders, “If you line up his political campaign next to the words of Jesus H. Christ it lines up, it lines up”. “After spending five hours tonight, five hours with someone who spent the last 50 years fighting for your rights and mine, I am very proud tonight of [Bernie Sanders]”.


Sanders is campaigning Monday in the slain civil rights leaders hometown of Atlanta.

Fox News host offers the billionaire blunt advice on winning voters. He also told the crowd to “stay confronting bullshit wherever you turn”. Sanders also leads Pope Francis and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Barack Obama, and is far ahead of entertainers like Adele (2%) and Jennifer Lawrence (1.7%).

Before the rally, Mike took Sanders to the Atlanta soul food restaurant Busy Bee.

Explaining the phenomenon of his surging popularity, TIME said Sanders “has become a hero on the Democratic left among progressives disillusioned by growing income inequality and money in politics”.

His words were thoughtful and impassioned – as they usually are – as he referenced the legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr., warned that the U.S. oughtn’t return to the Reagan years, and even quoted his own 2012 song “Untitled”.


Sanders concluded by reminding supporters, “We don’t make the change that we have to unless millions of people get involved in the political process, what I call the political revolution!”

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