
Star Wars Themes Come To Your Google Account

Even though we’ve only seen a few minutes of the film (a good thing), we’re about to be inundated with heavy cross-promotion (not such a good thing). Once you are bored of the new customisations (we won’t be) or you want to change your allegiance, head to to remove or change your side. After choosing the Dark side, the background for my Gmail account changed to reflect my path, though there’s quite a bit more to enjoy than just glorified wallpapers and the such.


You can choose to join the light – Jedi masters as Qui-Gon Jin, Yoda, Obi-Wan Kenobi – or dark sides of the Force – Darths Maul, Tyranus, Sidious, Vader. So to keep them entertained between trailers Google has created its own Star Wars theme. The group performed a medley of Williams’ “Star Wars” music.

From here, Google will customize different sites and apps. Your decision will influence how your Google apps look.

Have you ever been watching a video on YouTube and thought, “Man, I really wish that progress bar was a Lightsaber”.

Oh, and if you use Calendar, you’ll spot new event entries for Star Wars events like the movie’s theatrical release.

Google also lists that changes will come to Chrome, Inbox, Google Now, Search, Translate, Waze, and YouTube.

In a post announcing the promo on the company’s blog, VP of Product Management Clay Bavor said there are lots of Star Wars fans like him in the Google galaxy.

The Force Awakens premieres in theaters on December 18.


More goodies are on the way between now and the movie’s premiere, too, including a virtual reality experience for Google Cardboard and a Star Wars Chrome experiment.

Help balance the Force by signing up for the Light Side or the Dark Side