
Destiny: The Taken King Refer-a-Friend

This quest will only appear once the player has referred a friend, from there the player should finish the quest with the new player.


These rewards include a set of legendary emotes, the “High Five” and “Duo Dance”, as well as a legendary sparrow, sword, shader and emblem – which are all exclusive to the program. It’s not often that your holiday wish is for something that you already own, but I’m guessing there are quite a few Destiny players who will be excited to hear that some of their favorite Exotic gear from the game’s first year are about to get a beefy update.

In addition, it is clear that long standing players who have had the game for over a year will be interested in the upgrades to exotic weapons and those on level 40 will get a lot of benefit from them. “Refer-a-Friend features are not now available in the Destiny Companion App”.

The Frequently Asked Questions section of the official site states, “To initiate an in-game Link, players must link to each other through”.

About the game Destiny: The Taken King Legendary Edition is the complete collection in one epic package.

Bungie’s ambitious, ever-changing sci-fi shooter has new exotic weapons and armor slated to release in December. We’ll keep you updated when we find out more about the weapon re-balancing, and future Destiny updates.

Exotic weapons like the First Curse will have more range after the update while the Hawkmoon will be getting less range and less lucky buffet damage.


Given how important microtransactions have become in the game recently it’s highly likely that gamers will be able to pick up special emotes from the Eververse Trading Company.

Destiny Game’ Refer-A-Friend Program Offers Loads Of Rewards Exclusive Adventures Know How To Do It Here