
Google goes Star Wars, skins YouTube, Gmail and more with themes

“We reached out to our friends at Lucasfilm and Disney, and since then we’ve been working together on building”, said Google VP of product management Clay Bavor in a blogpost Monday. Thankfully, the folks at Google have noticed the studio’s plight, and made a decision to help out by offering customized themes for everyone’s favorite internet services. For example, I chose the Dark side, opened my Gmail, and I was greeted with a darkly colored Empire theme.


The company has released a feature where fans can choose their sides.

The tool adds little tweaks to most of Google’s apps, including Gmail, Google Maps, search, and more. IGN has all things Star Wars in the Star Wars hub.

Still don’t have enough Star Wars in your life, even after all those teasers and trailers? However, not everyone has an interest in watching men and women wielding laser swords. Furthermore, Google will add the release date without user permission. According to Tech Crunch, the changes aren’t just cosmetic either. A few items are also only available on the desktop including Chrome, Gmail, and YouTube. “There was literally one scene where Alice Eve, who acts in the movie, was so obliterated by a lens flare and I was showing the scene to my wife Katie, who just said, ‘Okay, you know what?” Luckily, today’s announcement also includes a slew of virtual reality content that will bring a galaxy far, far away that much closer.

We’ve seen the world go mad with Star Wars mania of late, from special LEGO, to Changi Airport (of all places) becoming overrun with Star Wars paraphernalia, and assorted airlines with liveries.


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