
Ross: May the deportation force be with you, Trump

In the interview, Obama said Trump’s plan would cost the country billions.


“I think it’s great”.

Trump said that protesters have made unreasonable demands in the wake of the resignations. People are going to come in and they are come in legally.

“We have a country – you don’t have a country if people are allowed to walk in, cross the border and stay here as long as they want”, he added. “Moved them way south. They never came back”.

Eisenhower may have also been motivated by his own dubious beliefs about the cultural impact of undocumented people. But did he really move that many in one operation?

Obama said there has always been a streak of anti-immigrant sentiment in the United States.

O’Reilly first asked Trump if he knew what Eisenhower named the deportation program.

Determining the number of people who were deported in “Operation Wetback” is tricky because some people who would have otherwise been subject to deportation were expected to leave the country “voluntarily” (or self-deportation). “We don’t know if it’s 8 million or if it’s 20 million”. The mission, which included cooperation from municipal, county, state and federal authorities, was to discourage reentry into the U.S. Migrants were moved further into Mexico.

He said he would “unquestionably” stop New Yorkers from being deported if Trump is elected. And could military round them all up, force them to buses and deport them? The vast majority of the program took place during fiscal year 1955, which registered just about 254,000 apprehensions total, she wrote in a 2010 report. “Wetback” is considered a derogatory slur for Mexicans living in the United States. When the neighborhood or the school turns Mexican, they move.

The latest episode of the Trump telenovela is surreal, as he has chosen to resurrect the historical black eye known as “Operation Wetback”. In one incident, 88 people died of heat stroke after being abandoned in a desert near Mexicali. Rounded people up, put them on planes, trains and ships. “The only question now is whether we have the will to do it”. “It might be the case that some were discouraged, but others returned”. There was nothing humane about the Eisenhower policy. The deportation program focused on Arizona, California and later Texas, targeting farm and industrial workers. The guest worker program ended in 1965.

Other critics point to Trump’s unsavory fans, who cheered at the references to “Operation Wetback”.


Trump has proposed deporting 11 million undocumented immigrants from the USA and building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. The deportation program lasted only a few months. Much of the blame goes to an ongoing marketing effort by a master salesman to fuel his presidential campaign with fear and prejudice.

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