
Angel trees go up, get online

The Salvation Army is completing applications for a Christmas food basket for families in need, as well as getting Angel Trees ready for locations throughout Dodge City to help children get items they want or need.


Capt. Kevin Polito of the Salvation Army said the organization is there to help people in need.

The Salvation Army has appealed for donations to help those in need over Christmas.

“We are in here working hard for ten days all day long, straight doing it. I’ve been doing this 7 years but it’s always worth it”, says Block.

Anna Simmons of Gulfport got in a relatively comfortable 10-mile run, but she says she’s fortunate to see it from a different perspective.

“When we are out there more consistently ringing those bells, that draws more attention to the red kettles and we collect more”, Paulson said.

Last year, a woman stopped and put several bills in the kettle for herself and her mother each time Alvin rang bells.

Army Captain Simon said: ‘While Christmas is the season we experience the greatest demand for help and assistance, it must not be overlooked that The Salvation Army provides help to the most vulnerable and needy people on the island right throughout the year. Just like retailers everywhere, The Salvation Army would love for it to be a day of rejoicing about having enough money to operate successfully throughout the entire fiscal year.

The Agape Mission will host its free Thanksgiving meal from 11 1:45 p.m. Tuesday at 309 S. Bucy in Bartlesville.

The Salvation Army’s National Kick-Off happens Thursday during half-time of the Cowboys game.

VanderHeyden said 8,200 letters were prepared to go out to homes and businesses and they are being inserted into this week’s issue of The Northern Connector. Gulezian, a manager in the graduate studies department, said she feels it is important to help those in need before Thanksgiving.

“There has been a drop, and we really don’t know why”.


Lt. Jeremy Walker of The Salvation Army of Bryan/College Station said not all bell ringers are volunteers. On the afternoon of the 13th, they call me and I go pick up in my box truck – that’s how much comes in.

Residents at Living Choice Kawana Island present handmade toys to the Salvation Army for Christmas