
Harrison Ford Ends His Feud With Chewbacca on Jimmy Kimmel Live

The Show star Wars: The Force Awakens celebration additionally included a quiz pitting the cast against a young fan, & Show star Wars stormtroopers & R2D2 additionally showed as much as rev things up.In fact, Kimmel thought he might glean some secrets and techniques concerning the movie ahead of its December 18 United States release, still in that did not occur.


Two estranged Star Wars legends have finally been reunited after a lengthy feud allegedly involving a woman – as part of a skit on the Jimmy Kimmel show. The man still most famous as Han Solo confronted the Wookie on Jimmy Kimmel Live screaming things like, “You’re the one who couldn’t keep it in your furry trousers”, and, “She was my wife”.

Kimmel had an all-Star Wars episode last night, which included a sketch where Chewbacca was about to jump off the roof of the El Capitan Theater.

Back in 2013, Kimmel had Chewbacca “surprise” Ford during an appearance on the late-night show. He then headed out to the street outside of the studio and had to talk down a “jumper” on top of the building.

See if Ford changes Chewbacca’s mind in the video above! “You get a lot of people coming up to you and saying ‘Oh, hey, I love Star Wars,’ and my response to that is ‘Thank you, I had nothing to do with it.'” And continued by explaining, “What they’re really saying underneath is ‘If you screw this up I’ll kill you'”. Go ahead, do us a favor. Ford yelled at his co-pilot from the ground below, before Kimmel stopped the 73-year-old and asked if he remembered “the good times” the pair shared together.


Check out the segment below.

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